About LAFCo

The Imperial County Local Agency Formation Commission (LAFCo) is an independent local government agency that oversees boundary changes such as annexations, detachments, incorporations, and extension of services between the county, the cities, and the special districts. There is one LAFCo for every county in California. The Imperial LAFCo consists of 5 members: 2 county board of supervisors representing Imperial County, 2 city council members representing the 7 cities in Imperial County, and 1 public member representing the public in Imperial County.

Local Agency Formation Commission (LAFCo) is responsible for coordinating logical and timely changes in local government boundaries and conducting special studies that review ways to reorganize, simplify, and streamline governmental structures. In addition, LAFCo prepares a sphere of influence for each city and special district in the county. The Commission’s efforts are directed at ensuring that services are provided efficiently and economically while protecting agricultural and open-space lands.

LAFCo plays a crucial role in promoting the organized establishment of local governmental agencies and assessing proposals for the creation of new local governmental agencies and modifications to existing agencies. In California, LAFCo collaborates with nearly 4,000 governmental agencies across 58 counties, 500+ cities, and 3,000+ special districts. The boundaries of these agencies often lack coherence and may overlap arbitrarily, resulting in increased service costs for taxpayers and confusion about service area boundaries. LAFCo aims to strike a balance between the competing needs in California, including the need for affordable housing, economic opportunities, and the conservation of natural resources.

One of the most important changes made to LAFCo was the adoption of "spheres of influence" for local governments. A "sphere of influence" refers to the physical boundary and service area that a local governmental agency is expected to serve. It is necessary to establish this boundary to determine which governmental agencies can provide efficient services to the people and property in a given area. The sphere of influence requirement also aims to discourage urban sprawl by preventing overlapping jurisdictions and duplication of services.

Commissions do not dictate planning goals to counties or cities. Instead, LAFCo coordinates the orderly development of a community by reconciling differences between city and county plans, so that the most efficient urban service arrangements are created for the benefit of area residents and property owners. Through special studies, LAFCo encourages governments to evaluate their current operations and options for reorganization. Local agencies often overlap and have the potential to duplicate services. LAFCo conducts service studies and consolidation feasibility studies, providing general information about local governments and presenting alternatives for improving services and reducing operational costs.

LAFCo must consider the impact of any proposal on existing lands. By directing development towards vacant urban land and away from agricultural preserves, LAFCo helps preserve valuable resources.

Urban sprawl is the irregular and disorganized growth of urban areas without a clear plan or design. This type of development leads to inefficient delivery of urban services such as police, fire, water, and sanitation, as well as the unnecessary loss of agricultural land. By discouraging sprawl, LAFCo aims to prevent the misuse of land resources and promote a more efficient system of local governmental agencies.

Citizens are encouraged to attend regular LAFCo meetings and share their views during public hearings on proposals before the Commission. The meetings provide an excellent opportunity for citizens to learn about growth and development.